These will be calculated at the time of order.
Your Details:
- We will collect your IP address and other non-revealing details when browsing this website. These details are used for analytical purposes.
- Your personal customer details are stored on our password protected database. These include your name, address, phone number & orders.
- Your credit card details are not stored on our database after processing, these are securely transmitted over a SSL connection. Your details are encrypted when stored for added security. Your credit card is then deleted once payment has processed.
- Your details WILL NOT be used for any 3rd party distribution. We will not sell, distribute or modify your personal data without your written consent.
- If your activities on the site are illegal (including but not limited to: fraud, phishing, hacking, tampering) we will under law pass your details onto law enforcement agencies.
Please see our returns & deliveries policies here.
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